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Clematis 'Crimson King'

Large crimson red flowers, sometimes dark red with paler bar, occasionally early flowers are semi-double. Greenish-white filaments and contrasting purple or red anthers.

Group: Late large-flowered group
Approximate height:  2.0 - 4.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jun Jul Aug Sep
Aspect: Any aspect
Pruning: Light prune (Group 2)
Raised by: A G Jackman
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Date raised:  r1915
Parentage:  Unknown
Other name(s): 'Red Cooler'; CRIMSON STAR in the USA; RED COOLER in Japan
Further detail: Flower diameter: 12-18cm
Tepals: 5-7(-8); 6-8cm long, 2-2.5cm wide, broadly elliptic, overlapping, pointed