Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Fairy Queen'

Large or very large pale pink flowers with a deeper pink stripe which darkens towards the base of the tepals. Pale brown or purplish anthers on whitish stamens. Fades in full sun. Early flowers occasionally semi-double. In 1912, William Robinson in his book 'The Virgin's Bower' lists this cultivar as "trusted to give lovely effects if culture and position be all [it] deserves."

Group: Early large-flowered group
Approximate height:  2.5 - 4.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jun Jul Aug
Aspect: Semi-shade
Pruning: Light prune (Group 2)
Raised by: T Cripps
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Date raised:  i1875
Parentage:  lanuginosa x patens
Further detail: Flower diameter: 15-25cm
Tepals: 6-8; 7.5 - 11.5cm long, 4-6cm wide, elliptic, pointed