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Clematis 'Azurit'

This name appears in Vilhelmina Riekstina's 1986 book, but with no explanation at all. We thought that the cultivar may have been lost but we have received details published by the Central Republic Botanic Garden in Kiev.

Medium sized, intense blue flowers with yellowish anthers. Apparently flowering is 'free and prolonged'.

Group: Late large-flowered group
Approximate height:  2.5 - 3.0 metres
Pruning: Hard prune (Group 3)
Raised by: M I Orlov
Country of origin: USSR/Russia
Date raised:  b1970 i1970
Parentage:  Unknown
Further detail: Flower diameter: 10cm
Tepals: 5-6; broad, rhombic, overlapping
Leaves: pinnate with 3 or 5 longish-ovate leaves