Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis WHITE ARABELLA 'Zo14089'

Free-flowering flowers; semi-double in spring, followed by axillary, single flowers in the spring; flat or flattish, upward-facing.

Sepals are white, occasionally flushed light yellow distally. Back of sepals are white with distinct central pale yellow ribs and flushed very light pink at tip. Filaments yellowish white to light yellow; anthers light yellow. Pistils creamy white.

Introduced at Plantarium 2019 where it received a Bronze Medal.

Approximate height:  1.0 - 1.5 metres
Flowering period(s):  May Jun Sep
USDA zones:  5
Raised by: J. van Zoest Beheer B.V.
Country of origin: Holland
Date raised:  i2019
Further detail: Flower diameter: 5-7cm
Sepals elliptic to somewhat obovate, with wavy margins, tip rounded to acute, tips slightly recurved on outer sepals. Leaves simple or ternate, dark green; margins entire; tip acute