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Clematis 'Mevrouw Wasscher'

Large, pale lavender blue flowers with a darker bar and purple red anthers. Rudi Kroon tells us that Mevrouw Wasscher was the wife of Dr J Wasscher who, at that time the plant was raised, was the President of the Horticulture college, Rijks Middelbare Tuinbouw School, and the director of the Floriculture Research station, De Proeftuin, both in Aalsmeer.

Group: Early large-flowered group
Raised by: K Maarse Dzn Jr
Country of origin: Holland
Date raised:  1961
Parentage:  Unknown
Other name(s): 'Mrs Washer'; 'Mrs Wasscher'; 'Mevrouw Washer'; 'Mevrouw Wasser'