Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Hybrida Sieboldii'

Large lavender-blue flowers with a darker bar and red or brown anthers. This is almost certainly the same cultivar as 'Ramona'. See the 'Ramona' entry for a detailed discussion of the confusion between the two.

Group: Early large-flowered group
Approximate height:  2.5 - 3.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jun Jul Aug Sep
Pruning: Light prune (Group 2)
Raised by: B Droog
Country of origin: Holland
Date raised:  b1874
Parentage:  lanuginosa x patens
Other name(s): patens 'Hybrida Sieboldii'; 'Hybrida sieboldiana'; 'Sieboldia'; 'Sieboldii'; 'Boskoop Seedling'. Mis-spelling: 'Hybride Sieboldii'
Further detail: Flower diameter: (10-) 15-20cm
Tepals: 6-8; overlapping