Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Kaupo'

Medium to large, broadly bell-shaped, hyacinth-blue flowers with yellow anthers on green filaments. This form is named after a Governor of the Liv people in Turaida in the early 13th century.

Group: Atragene group
Approximate height:  2.0 - 4.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  (Apr) May Jun Aug Sep
Pruning: No pruning (Group 1)
Raised by: Aivars Irbe
Country of origin: Latvia
Date raised:  r1997 f1999 n2003
Parentage:  'Plum Beauty' x unknown
Further detail: Flower diameter: 10-12cm
Tepals: 4 (-6); 6cm long, 2-2.5cm wide, lanceolate, pointed, margin slightly wavy