Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Flip'

Small, nodding, urn-shaped, glossy, dark violet flowers. Weak scent "like fresh aftershave". Yellow anthers on cream filaments. 'Flip' is the pet name of Adrian Straver, owner of the Baumschule Adrian Straver which introduced the cultivar.

Group: Integrifolia group
Fragrant: Yes
Approximate height:  1.0 - 2.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jun Jul Aug Sep
Pruning: Hard prune (Group 3)
Raised by: Willem Straver
Country of origin: Germany
Date raised:  r2004 n2008 i2009
Parentage:  withheld
Further detail: Flower diameter: 5cm
Tepals: 4; 4cm long, 1.3cm wide, thich and fleshy, touching, long-pointed, tips recurved and slightly twisted