Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Apollonia'

Small to medium white flowers. Filaments white; connectives yellow at first, becoming black later; anthers cream.

The registrant would classify this in Patens Group, which normally equates with Early Large-flowered Group in the system currently adopted by the ICRA. However, in this instance, the flower size suggests this cultivar might belong in the Small-flowered Division.

Approximate height:  1.5 - 2.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  May Jun | Jul Aug Sep
Pruning: Light prune (Group 2)
Raised by: W Straver
Country of origin: Germany
Date raised:  r2004 ni2011
Parentage:  withheld
Further detail: Flower diameter: 8-10cm
Tepals: 6-8; 5cm long, 3cm wide, overlapping
Leaves: ternate, margins entire.