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Clematis AMAZING ROME 'Zo08213'

Small, spreading bell-shaped, purple flowers. Inner filaments white, outer pale purple-violet; connectives pale yellow; anthers cream. The registrant would classify this in the Diversifolia Group which is a subset of the Integrifolia Group.

This cultivar produces very decorative, somewhat golden seedheads which are marketed by Marginpar seperately as 'cut flowers' under the name AMAZING SHIRA. Shira is named after one of the tops of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

Group: Integrifolia group
Approximate height:  1.0 - 1.5 metres
Raised by: J van Zoest Beheer BV
Country of origin: Holland
Date raised:  rb2008 nb2015 i2015
Parentage:  withheld
Other name(s): Cut seedheads: AMAZING SHIRA
Further detail: Flower diameter: 5-7cm
Tepals: 4; 4cm long x 2.5cm wide, elliptic, touching at base, margins strongly wavy, long-pointed with tips often twisted