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Clematis 'Sue Reade'

Small, bell-shaped flowers, outside pale lilac-grey over a pinkish white ground; inside rose-pink, heavily overlaid with plum-purple veining. Seed heads persistent. Named after the North-West Group Organiser for the British Clematis Society.

Group: Viorna group
Approximate height:  2.5 - 3.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jul Aug Sep
Pruning: Hard prune (Group 3)
Raised by: Richard Hodson
Date raised:  r2012 ni2016
Parentage:  Kahori-no-Kimi x unknown
Further detail: Flower diameter: 3cm
Tepals: 4; 3cm long x 1.5 cm wide, elliptic, thick and fleshy, fused in basal two-thirds, distal one-third with strongly frilled margins and recurved tip