Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Maria Kaczynska'

Medium sized, single or semi-double, white flowers. Stamens numerous; filaments creamy white; connectives purple; pollen white. Seed-heads persistent. Named after the First Lady of Poland, who died with President Kaczynski in an air crash near Smolensk, Russia, in April 2010.

Group: Early large-flowered group
Approximate height:  1.5 - 2.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jun Jul Aug Sep
USDA zones:  4 5 6 7 8 9
Pruning: Light prune (Group 2)
Raised by: S Marczynski
Country of origin: Poland
Date raised:  r2004 ni2017
Parentage:  withheld by raiser
Further detail: Flower diameter: 10-12cm
Tepals: 8-12(-20); 5-6cm long x 3.5-4 cm wide, elliptic to broadly elliptic, overlapping two-thirds, touching, margins markedly frilly and somewhat wavy, tip rounded