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Clematis 'Sinee Plamia'

Large deep violet-blue flowers with a paler blue bar. Purple shaded filaments and pale yellow anthers. 'Sinee Plamia', meaning 'blue flame', is a hybrid of 'Gipsy Queen' x C. lanuginosa 'Candida' and was raised at the State Nikitsky Botanic Garden, Ukraine, in 1961 by A N Volosenko-Valenis. A beautiful free-flowering cultivar.

Group: Late large-flowered group
Approximate height:  3.0 - 4.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jul Aug Sep
Aspect: Any aspect
Pruning: Hard prune (Group 3)
Raised by: A N Volosenko-Valenis
Country of origin: USSR/Ukraine
Date raised:  1961
Parentage:  'Gipsy Queen' x C. lanuginosa 'Candida'
Other name(s): 'Sineje Plamja'; Wrongly: 'Sinii Plamia'; BLUE FLAME