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Clematis 'Saliut Pobedy'

Medium to large purple-pink flowers with a darker bar. The filaments are white and bear deep purple-red anthers. Professor Beskaravainaja in her 1998 book says that the name, which translates as 'salute to victory', is "in honour of the 30th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people against facist Germany." The name, in Russia, is equivalent to the Nazi 'Sieg Heil!'.

Group: Late large-flowered group
Approximate height:  3.0 - 4.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jul Aug Sep
Aspect: Any aspect
Pruning: Hard prune (Group 3)
Raised by: M A Beskaravainaja
Country of origin: USSR/Ukraine
Date raised:  r1967 f1970 n1971
Parentage:  'Jackmanii' f1 x 'Nelly Moser' + 'Lawsoniana'
Other name(s): 'Salyut Pobedy'; SALUTE TO VICTORY. Mis-spelling: 'Salut Pobedy'
Further detail: Flower diameter: 10-16cm
Tepals: (5-) 6 (-8); 5-7cm long, 3.5cm wide, rhombic to broadly elliptic, somewhat gappy, tip long-pointed