Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Primrose Star'

A montana with semi-double or double, primrose yellow flowers fading almost to white. White filaments and anthers. Described on the advertising as less vigourous and less invasive than some other montanas, reaching only about 2.5m.

Group: Montana group
Fragrant: Yes
Approximate height:  2.0 - 2.5 metres
Flowering period(s):  May Jun
Aspect: Any aspect
Pruning: No pruning (Group 1)
Raised by: Robin Mitchell
Country of origin: New Zealand
Date raised:  r1991 i1996
Other name(s): montana 'Primrose Star'; 'Star' (Mitchell)
Further detail: Flower diameter: 7cm
Tepals: 3.4cm long, 1.5cm wide