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Clematis patens (double Japanese Form)

As noted under the entry for the single Japanese patens, the form can appear in the wild as a double flower. These photographs are from Makoto Iijima (the breeder of 'Flepp') in Japan. This form was found in the Nagano prefecture in 1987 at a height of about 800m. At such a height, winter temperatures can fall as low as -15 deg C. Makoto Iijima notes that this form may well be the ancestor of such cultivars as 'Yukiokoshi' and 'Ruriokoshi'. The form can occur as white, purple or sometimes pink. All have yellowy-white stamens.

Approximate height:  2.0 - 6.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  May Jun Sep
Aspect: Sun or semi-shade
Pruning: Light prune (Group 2)
Country of origin: Japan
Parentage:  Species
Other name(s): caerulea; c grandiflora; azurea; a grandiflora; florida; kasugunuma; luloni
Further detail: Flower diameter: 8-15cm
Tepals: 50-110, 4-7cm long, 1.8-3cm wide