Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Cazzie's Dream'

Single nodding flowers, broadly bell-shaped, not scented. Inside of sepal is velvety deep purple to dark reddish purple in margins with dark purplish red on either side of central bar, central bar is light pinkish purple (“dusky pink”) over a dark reddish purple ground and mottled with light purple, pinkish purple and yellow-green markings; outside of sepals is deep purple to dark reddish purple with a silvery hue (with fine white indumentum).

Filaments are lime green, anthers pale yellowish pink, connectives dark reddish purple and pollen very pale yellow. Stigmas are pale yellow-green. Seed-heads not persistent. Stems are light green, maturing to dark green then reddish brown.

Group: Viticella group
Approximate height:  1.0 - 4 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Raised by: C Head
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Date raised:  h2019 g2021 n2023 i2024 reg2024
Parentage:  Chance seedling; parentage unknown
Further detail: Sepals: 4, 7.5cm long, broadly elliptic, touching at base, with recurved and wavy margins, rounded to blunt at apex with recurved tip. Leaves divided, leaflets lanceolate to elliptic, green maturing to dark green, sparsely hairy with fine white hairs; margins wavy and irregularly toothed; tip acute; petiole reddish brown