Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Monstrosa'

Single or semi-double, white flowers tinged or spotted green. Yellow stamens. Usually there is a ring of stalked simple or ternate leaves just below the flower, sometimes almost white. This form was apparently introduced from Japan by von Seibold in 1836 as C bicolor monstrosa

Group: Early large-flowered group
Flowering period(s):  May Jun
Raised by: Van Houtte
Country of origin: Belgium
Date raised:  f1854
Other name(s): bicolor monstrosa; 'Bicolor Mostrosa'; monstrosa; patens var monstrosa; patens 'Monstrosa'; azurea monstrosa
Further detail: Tepals (single form): 6-7; lanceolate, tapered at base, pointed.