Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'Cherry Blossom'

Small, flattish, creamy white, faintly almond-scented flowers. Pale yellow anthers on white filaments; few, if any, small staminodes sometimes flushed purple towards tip. Buds flushed purple, particularly towards the base. Fruit heads persistent.

Group: Montana group
Fragrant: Yes
Flowering period(s):  Apr May
Pruning: No pruning (Group 1)
Raised by: Robin Mitchell
Country of origin: New Zealand
Date raised:  ni2010
Parentage:  Unknown
Further detail: Flower diameter: 5cm
Tepals: 4; 2.2 cm long, 1.8cm wide, oval, touching, wavy margined
Leaves: ternate