Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis 'UNAI 009'

Large or very large flowers, inside light violet with bar opening deep purplish red then maturing to faint strong reddish purple, blade ageing to light violet sometimes with a very faint light purple bar; outside opening light violet, maturing to deep purple, ageing to light violet. Stamens c.60; filaments light purple; anthers dark red.

Group: Late large-flowered group
Approximate height:  1.5 - 2.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Pruning: Hard prune (Group 3)
Raised by: A Kivistik
Country of origin: Estonia
Date raised:  1982
Parentage:  Un-named 'Jackmanii' seedling, open-pollinated
Further detail: Flower diameter: 15-20cm
Tepals: 6; 8cm long x 4cm wide, base truncate, overlapping, with entire margins slightly turned up, tip acute