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Clematis 'Broughton Bride'

Medium sized, nodding, white flowers which have tiny lilac speckles on the outside. Pale green stamens. Flowers single during April and May with double flowers produced in June and July.

The first photograph shows the early (single) form, the second photograph the later (double) form.

Group: Atragene group
Approximate height:  3.0 - 4.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Apr May Jun Jul
Aspect: Any aspect
USDA zones:  6 7 8 9
Pruning: No pruning (Group 1)
Raised by: Vince & Sylvia Denny
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Date raised:  rc1990 n1998
Parentage:  C. koreana x C. macropetala
Other name(s): koreana 'Broughton Bride'
Further detail: Tepals: 4, 7.5-9cm long (shorter in second flowering), 2-3cm wide, long pointed