Clematis on the Web :: clematis detail
Clematis x cartmanii 'Avalanche'

Small to medium white flowers, often flushed pale green at the base of the tepal and on the outer surface. Anthers initially pink but ageing to pale yellow. Finely dissected evergreen foliage.

Group: Forsteri group
Approximate height:  3.0 - 5.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Apr May
Aspect: Any aspect
Pruning: No pruning (Group 1)
Raised by: Robin White
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Date raised:  r1990 f1992 n1996 i1999
Parentage:  paniculata x marmoraria
Other name(s): x cartmanii 'Blaaval'; AVALANCHE EVERGREEN CLEMATIS
Further detail: Flower diameter: 4-9cm
Tepals: 4-6 (-7); 2-4cm long, 1.6-2.4cm wide, broadly ovate, blunt
Leaves: ternate